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Louise Cheetham

What does being an approved alternative education provider mean?

Where some children’s needs are not being met in a mainstream environment, the local authority will choose for a child’s education and/or therapeutic input to be provided elsewhere. They have a list of alternative providers who can provide this intervention and education, and for many local authorities we are on that list. We are a ‘preferred approved alternative education provider’ for one of the largest local authorities in England. This simply means that we have a really fab track record and that we have passed the appropriate checks and ‘due diligence’ to have our programmes funded, where it thought appropriate or best.

Where we are not known to a local authority or funding provider, we have everything in place to be able to provide them with the information they need to run their due diligence checks. It may be that your child’s local authority and you disagree about who should be providing your child’s intervention or education. That is okay. It does not mean that you will end up in court or with life long battles, which I am sure you have heard horror stories about. It may be that you agree to disagree and that you get the same level of funding the LA would apply for your child to attend elsewhere, but you choose to use this to educate them in a different way. We forge excellent relationships with schools and with local authorities, and we are not a team who ‘battle’.

We are an extremely experienced team with the legal knowledge to best support your child. Our aim is always to find resolution through relationship.

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